Strongman – Nick Best Worlds Strongest Man Masters 2016 Winner

Strongman - Nick Best Worlds Strongest Man Masters 2016 Winner


Nick Best Worlds Strongest Man Masters 2016 Winner

Incredible performance by one of the greats. Nick Best narrowly beats Mark Felix and Vidas Blekaitis to become the 2016 Worlds Strongest Man Master. Here is how he did it

Round one:

Nick best lifted the weight of 320 pounds in his hand 14 times.

Strongman - Nick Best

Round two:

Nick best leads the opponent by a large margin.

Nick best won in 9.29 seconds.

Strongman - Nick Best
Strongman - Nick Best

Round three:

Nick best repeatedly lifts the van 17 times.

Strongman - Nick Best

Round four:

Nick best won with 11.8 seconds.

Strongman - Nick Best Worlds Strongest Man Masters 2016 Winner
Strongman - Nick Best Worlds Strongest Man Masters 2016 Winner

Final round:

Strongman - Nick Best Worlds Strongest Man Masters 2016 Winner

Nick Best Worlds Strongest Man Masters 2016 Winner

Strongman - Nick Best Worlds Strongest Man Masters 2016 Winner
Strongman - Nick Best Worlds Strongest Man Masters 2016 Winner
Strongman - Nick Best Worlds Strongest Man Masters 2016 Winner

#NickBest #Strongestman #Strongman



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